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Sixth grade students experience science as a hands-on and minds-on class. In our science program IQWST (Investigating and Questioning our World through Science and Technology), students investigate questions relevant to their lives by conducting investigations; collecting and analyzing data; developing and using models to explain phenomena, and engaging in argument from evidence.


Our four units are:

1. Can I Believe My Eyes? (Light Waves, Their Role in Sight, and Interaction with Matter)

2. How Can I Smell Things from a Distance? (Particle Nature of Matter, Phase Changes)

3. Where Have All the Creatures Gone? (Organisms and Ecosystems)

4. How Does Water Shape Our World? (Water and Rock Cycles)



Work gets done most efficiently when everyone has a job to do, shares the work, and knows what their responsibilities are. In science, our class work is managed by having four different jobs. Everyone takes a turn doing each job. We rotate every week. Your seat number determines which job you are doing for the week.


STUFF GETTER: This person is responsible for picking up any materials needed by the group and returning them neatly at the end of class.


SMOOTH OPERATOR: This person makes sure everyone in the group is working efficiently and quietly. When the group’s volume gets above a whisper, the Smooth Operator respectfully reminds them to work more quietly.


PAPER PUSHER: This person picks up the homework for the kids in their group and passes it out. The next day, the Paper Pusher collects it and passes it in to the in folder. Paper Pushers also gather pages for science binders each time we start a new unit.


SCRIBE: Scribes initial the Warm Up calendars of the other kids in the group at the beginning of the period, and then raise their hands to let the teacher know the group is ready to start class.


When someone is absent, the person who sits beside them will do both of their jobs.






  1. When you come to class, please immediately sit silently and copy the homework from the board into your agenda book, word for word.
    HINT: Look at the marker color that was used to write the date on the board. You should copy anything else that is the same color. Sometimes I will include other things on the board that you DON’T need to copy, so they will be in a different color.

  2. On the first day of the week (which is usually Monday!), check the Job List on the wall to see what your job is for the week. Also check what the other kids in your group are doing for jobs that week, too.

  3. When you are done with your agenda book, silently hand it to the Scribe to be checked and signed. The Scribe needs to make sure each student wrote:
    • the correct information
    • in the correct class spot
    • on the correct day
    • word for word

    When the Scribe is satisfied that the agenda has been done correctly, they sign their initials in the bottom right corner. Then they hand the agenda back to its owner.

  4. While you are waiting to get your agenda back from your Scribe, answer the daily warm up question that is posted on the TV. Your answer must be written on your Warm Up Calendar that is kept in a sheet protector at the front of your binder. Your calendar is collected at the end of the month and graded. You will get full credit for every complete answer, whether it is right or wrong. You will not get any credit for blanks or answers such as “I don’t know!” You must at least try. Blank boxes = zero points.

    Don’t put your calendar away until we go over the warm up as a class and after you are told to put them back in your sheet protector. 

    If you miss the warm up, you are responsible for looking it up on my web site and doing it on your own. This must be done BEFORE calendars are collected at the end of the month.

  5. Please arrive on time and be prepared for class with your binder, pencil, colored pencils, highlighter, and agenda book. If you forgot any of those items, please let me know that you need to go get them as soon as you realize that you don’t have them.





  1. When you come to class, please immediately sit silently and do the Warm Up that is posted on the board. On the first day of the week, check the job list to see what your job is for the next few days. After we go over the Warm Up, we will officially start class.

  2. Please arrive on time and be prepared for class with your binder, folder, pencil, colored pencils, highlighter, and agenda book.

  3. If you are absent, find out what you missed by checking my website and/or by asking me. Get any papers you need from the rack under the TV or from Google Drive.

  4. Late work: Do your work on time! When your work is late, you are expected to pass it in the next day. Multiple late assignments will be reflected in your effort grade.

  5. Poor Grades: You can correct assignments that have a grade below 80%. I will take the average of your original grade and your redone grade, but the maximum grade given on a corrected assignment is 80%.

    Example 1: You got a 50% on an assignment. You fixed all your errors and passed the paper back in. I correct it a second time and this time you get a perfect 100%. I take the average of 50 and 100, which is 75. Your grade will be recorded on PowerSchool as a 75%.

    Example 2: You got a 76% on an assignment. Since 76 is below 80, you are allowed to correct it. You fix it, pass it in, and this time you get a 96%. The average of 76 and 96 is 86. But the maximum grade you can get on a corrected assignment is 80%, so I record it on PowerSchool as an 80%.


  6. Do your work in pencil so you can neatly correct mistakes. When re-doing an assignment, erase the wrong answers and replace them with the correct ones in the same spot on the page.

  7. You may only correct a particular assignment once. You may not correct late work for a higher grade. Corrected work is to be passed in the next time you have science class.

  8. Late assignments, make-up work, letters signed by your parents, or anything else that needs to be passed in is to be placed in the appropriate slot of the paper organizer. Please don’t personally hand me anything because I will probably put it down somewhere and forget where it is. Also never place anything on my desk because it may get lost in the clutter!

  9. You are required to have a dedicated binder and folder for science. Sometimes these will be collected so you can’t keep material for other classes in them. You need to have a few sheet protectors in your binder to hold on to certain pages, such as your monthly Warm Up calendar.

  10. Check your grades on PowerSchool frequently!

  11. If you need extra help, please come see me and we’ll arrange some help time.

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